The Mission

We’re building a monument to those who have served our country “above and beyond the call of duty” to receive our nation’s highest award: The Medal of Honor.

It’s located in the heart of Los Angeles’ historic birthplace known as “El Pueblo.”

Three of the five Monuments parts have already been completed. Now we’re fundraising toward the next phase - the centerpiece bronze sculpture of Pfc. Eugene A. Obregon USMC, a 19 year-old Latino American from East Los Angeles, who gallantly saved a fellow Marine’s life at the cost of his own. (OB Bronze Illustration w/ Ken Bracken credit)

Renowned sculptor Erik Blome whose works include…

The sculpture base is pyramid shaped in homage to Los Angeles' Hispanic roots. Upon it, Obregon stands larger than life proudly saluting nearly 3,500 comrades named on the Wall of Honor. Inscribed on his pedestal’s granite panels are the words "Latino blood - American hearts" and the names of Latino American Medal of Honor recipients.

The bronze figure of distinguished young Obregon will serve as a touchstone for future generations of Latinos, helping them understand their roots and draw inspiration from the courage and sacrifices of their forefathers. He stands not as a monument to war, but as a symbol of humanity’s finest attributes. For it was in the heat of combat where traditional prejudices would cease and soldiers of all classes, colors, regions and religions would become one patriotic band brothers united in loyalty, equality, honor and pride.